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Product-led, Engineering-led, or Operations-led IT?
How we organize our internal IT departments depends upon business values. Three approaches enterprises use are product-led, engineering-led, and operations-led. Let’s explore the differences between these approaches to managing IT.
Product-led IT
A product-led approach emphasizes value to people(Customers, Developers, & Stakeholders). This approach starts with identifying and solving customer problems. Product-led IT prioritizes stakeholder needs and user experience while measuring their success by using metrics such as Return on Investment(ROI) and Customer Satisfaction.
Engineering-led IT
An engineering-led approach emphasizes technology. This approach is focused on creating a technically advanced and innovative IT organization. Engineering-led businesses prioritize technical measure their success by technical metrics such as uptime, latency, and throughput.
Operations-led IT
An operations-led approach emphasizes process. This approach is driven by operational experiences to make the user experience frictionless and reliable. Operations-led IT organizations measure their success by operational metrics such as uptime, mean time to resolution (MTTR), and service-level agreements (SLAs).